Novafast opens new $4m facility


Novafast celebrates opening of new $4m advanced manufacturing facility

Novafast officially launched its new state-of-the-art $4million facility on Tuesday 28 June, showcasing Australian-first defence manufacturing capabilities for composite production after securing its first major defence contract.

The facility was officially opened by Deputy Premier of South Australia and Minister for Defence and Space Industries the Honourable Susan Close MP. Guest speakers included Craig Lockhart, Managing Director BAE Systems Australia – Maritime and Novafast Holdings CEO Chev Charles Figallo OAM OSJ. The event was attended by more than 130 political dignitaries and key industry executives.

Novafast Business Manager David Figallo said, “We are pleased to partner with BAE Systems Australia to deliver world-class defence manufacturing capabilities in South Australia.”

“As the only Australian-based manufacturer of GRE composite pipes, Novafast aims to be the global leader in composite technologies and production processes using our advanced and automated production processes.

“At a time when Australia is facing increasing uncertainty in the region, it positions us as a key sovereign capability industry partner, and we’re delighted to have the partnership of BAE Systems to undertake this work in Australia.”